"Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can." ~ Douglas Pagels
The new year always brings with it a feeling of new beginnings, a clean slate to dream and plan for the next 365 days. A new year where new possibilities await and new adventures are looked forward to. Do you come up with a plan for your new year? Do you create resolutions or goals?
For the past several years I've come up with
to focus on for the year. It is always a fun process. I think about the year before and where I've come from, what I've accomplished and then look to the year ahead. I think and pray about what I feel God is moving me to do. Often I feel like He brings me my word! This year I've chosen:
I want to see new growth in my life this year. Of course this is something I strive for every year; I want to be further along in life at the end of each year than I was at the beginning. But this year I want to more intentionally focus on making aspects of my life stronger. I want to really challenge myself to grow in my relationships, my spiritual life, my art, my business and my service to others around me. I don't want to just be the "status quo" day by day, but to continually ask myself "What can I do to GROW in this area".
To help me do this I've set some goals to strive for. For example, I love to read, but never feel like I really make the time for it. I end up collecting more and more books; you should see my bookshelves and my Kindle...oh my! I start them, but never really get around to finishing them. This year I want to read books on marriage, on parenting and on creating that will help me to grow in those areas of my life. I challenge myself to read one book a month covering these categories. I also want to read some good fiction novels as well!!
This month I'm diving into the following yummy books:
Women Living Well: Find Your Joy in God, Your Man, Your Kids and Your Home
by Courtney Joseph (spiritual, marriage, parenting)
Creative Thursday: Everyday Inspiration to Grow Your Creative Practice
by Marisa Anne Cummings
So, what goals or new resolutions have you set for yourself this year? Have you come up with One Little Word to guide you this year? Are you reading any good books this month? I'd love some recommendations!!